Go To The Light — Remi Thornton Photography

Go To The Light

Trifecta Editions, Anti-Designs, James Weinberg and Blanc Present: Go To The Light

Celebrating the art of screen printing and the glow of fluorescence! 

May 7 – June 4, 2016
Opening Reception: May 7, 5pm – 10pm
46 Cedric Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA

Including my print "Yellow House, Blacklight Variant" (available in the shop):

Other participating artists include:
Andrew Bablo, Elaine Bay, Joe Barillaro, Brian Butler, Cash for your Warhol, Cyrille Conan, Caitlin Duennebier, Raul Gonzalez III, Sarah Gay-O'Neill, Sophie Greenspan, Morgan Grenier, Hungry Ghost Press, Gunsho, Vanessa Irzyk, Michele L'Heureux, Jay LaCouture, Greg Lamarche (SP.ONE), Josh Luke, Marissa Malik, Xander Marro, Dan McCarthy, Morning Breath, Chris O'Neill, Dave Ortega, Anthony Palocci, Helen Popinchalk, John + Jake Rainis, Michael Sieben, Skinner, Nat Swope, Remi Thornton, James Weinberg, Nicholas Zaremba
